Eco-friendly greeting card
Free shipping with purchase of 10 cards or more.
* Does not apply to “promo codes”.
Shipping 7,95$. Minimum purchase required of 3 cards.
* For all deliveries outside Canada, please contact us at

Cœur de Tara cards, printed on the best quality paper, are produced with a profound respect for nature and for life. We work only with suppliers for whom the protection of the environment is of prime importance.
Our mission: to promote the beauty of nature and to celebrate life in all its endless manifestations.
* If you are interested to get one of our Canadian custom made displays for our cards, please contact us at

- 19 trees – a tennis court
- 872 kg of waste – 18 garbage cans
- 17 gigajoules (GJ) of electricity – 79,060 60-watt bulbs burning for one hour
- 71,142 litres of water – 203 days of water consumption
- 2,861 kg of CO2 – travelling a distance of 19,136 km)
- 4 kg nitrogen oxides (NOx) – emissions from a truck for 11 days

What our logo symbolizes
The green sprig represents the creativity and hope emanating from Mother Nature’s endless spiral of energy, lying at the heart of all emotions…
The reverse side
The back of each card is designed with two colours, echoing the photo on the front.